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Member Since: 22 Mar 2008Last Seen: 22 Mar 2008
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61 Comments By illthrilla
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41-45 out of 61 comments
12 Apr 2008 comment on Champion Pro Psirus
fuck it. no one cares i guess. thats why the "new generation" rollerblader let the sport die. back in the day we wouldnt let that happen. it was huge then. we passed the torch and look what happened. i guess you can all go buy skateboards. fuck underground. fuck this.
fuck it. no one cares i guess. thats why the "new generation" rollerblader let the sport die. back in the day we wouldnt let that happen. it was huge then. we passed the torch and look what happened. i guess you can all go buy skateboards. fuck underground. fuck this.
12 Apr 2008 comment on k2 style points bob
ms paint bitches!!!! :nod: if these cuffs were red they would be sweet, i didnt feel like coloring them. maybe grey would be cool, white doesnt look that bad either.
ms paint bitches!!!! :nod: if these cuffs were red they would be sweet, i didnt feel like coloring them. maybe grey would be cool, white doesnt look that bad either.
12 Apr 2008 comment on k2 style points bob
i like the skates btw. take off the toe cap and i bet a red razors v-cut cuff would look sick on dem shits son.
i like the skates btw. take off the toe cap and i bet a red razors v-cut cuff would look sick on dem shits son.
12 Apr 2008 comment on k2 style points bob
god damn it razor.skater stop with the big letters. you are the only fuck-head here that does this shit. stop. youre loving lame.
god damn it razor.skater stop with the big letters. you are the only fuck-head here that does this shit. stop. youre loving lame.
what shoes ( not footwraps ) work the best with xsjados? pics?