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Member Since: 23 Mar 2008Last Seen: 23 Mar 2008
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54 Comments By magnus
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11-15 out of 54 comments
04 May 2008 comment on USD Legacy Rachard Pro skates
i like the look of the able frames but there quite hard to lock on unless u skate with anti-rockers
i like the look of the able frames but there quite hard to lock on unless u skate with anti-rockers
03 May 2008 comment on Deshi Zamora Pro sample skates
they look like they have USD souls on them, do they?
they look like they have USD souls on them, do they?
01 May 2008 comment on usd legacy rachard johnson II
have you lowered the cuff? it looks lower than mine:/
have you lowered the cuff? it looks lower than mine:/
dude they look so nice lol shame there shit skates