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Member Since: 23 Mar 2008Last Seen: 23 Mar 2008
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54 Comments By magnus
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16-20 out of 54 comments
19 Apr 2008 comment on Brian Aragon 2 New Shell
those skates are out... thee on loads of websites...just type in razer brain aragon 2 in any search engine and they will come up
those skates are out... thee on loads of websites...just type in razer brain aragon 2 in any search engine and they will come up
17 Apr 2008 comment on Genesys 7
i like the genesys but i want some rele light skaes like the aragon 2 or the razor or shifty's but i just brought some RJ legacys and they weight a ton!!!
i like the genesys but i want some rele light skaes like the aragon 2 or the razor or shifty's but i just brought some RJ legacys and they weight a ton!!!
13 Apr 2008 comment on tv1 whitegreen
do u no if the valo/roces buckle will fit on my usd's???any help
do u no if the valo/roces buckle will fit on my usd's???any help
real nice, i have sum legacys, but customizing them soon, dying them red and buying sum undersover red wheels and gc featherlight frames gna be sick