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Country: DE SelectCountry
State: Other State
City: Lat kheyl


Member Since: 13 Apr 2008
Last Seen: 13 Apr 2008
7 Uploads Total
58 Comments By Seppuku

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Salomon 3VSL
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Salomon ST TEAM 2006
Salomon ST80
ST TEAM 2006


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Seppukus latest comments

1-5 out of 58 comments
Salomon Brandon Campbell 2
02 Feb 2010 comment on Salomon Brandon Campbell 2

Salomon frames with the sliders and the anti rockers is the best.Imo anti rocker setup beats any freestyle frame.I've been riding on M type and different anti rocker setups and anti rocker is the best for me.Also matches the skate.1 advice - change your soulplates.Widebodies blow big time.If you can get some nights,USDs or the new RB plates.Imo the RB plates look the best on salo.I've tried only nights,USD 2 piece and xsjado. The USDs skate better than the other 2.I'd love to try some RB souls :). Also BC2 rock.I'd love to get some and I'd put my vinnie minton cuffs on them so i get all white skates.
st vinny minton
07 Jun 2009 comment on st vinny minton

and put USD 2 piece souls on them...Please.I've tried normal plates,nights,widebodies,xsjado...and a couple of days ago i got my 2 piece souls...and they r the best i've tried on my salos.SUPER GOOD.Times better than the crappy widebodies.Yes they r crap :) . the original souls are better than the widebodies.And USD > night > stock souls > xsjado > widebodies.Thats just on salos.Xsjado by themselves are fine.But not on salos :)
aaron feinberg
20 May 2009 comment on aaron feinberg

u should sell them for more coz the skates only are 60.+ the soulplate and liner and the work for mounting the soulplates - atleast another 40 if not even more.Soulplates are 30 bucks alone.Liner also.So :) Btw nice skates :D
15 May 2009 comment on carbon

please better pics?
13 May 2009 comment on st9

buy black ones better.All black owns :) Think about it.

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