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Member Since: 13 Apr 2008Last Seen: 13 Apr 2008
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58 Comments By Seppuku
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12 Jun 2008 comment on Nils Extrem Biatches
these skates suck!!!Totally!How could u dye the frame????And how could u stick a bolt there?How do u soulgrind with this bolt?How do u royale?Or u can just do a frontside on an 2inch high rail :D .Please get some good skates,and burn these.Or send them to the kids in Somalia - they would love em.
these skates suck!!!Totally!How could u dye the frame????And how could u stick a bolt there?How do u soulgrind with this bolt?How do u royale?Or u can just do a frontside on an 2inch high rail :D .Please get some good skates,and burn these.Or send them to the kids in Somalia - they would love em.
U 2 post on the same topic again.well...whatever :P .Nice skates.I love the color.