All NON-UFS Skates - Page 15

Displaying 113-120 of 280 result(s).
Impala made UFS

Impala made UFS     7 likeBar | 0 likeBar

Roces Impala with yellow cuff, white soulplate and original ...
Views: 7627
Comments: 13
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Category: Skates -> Roces -> Other Non UFS

Action     5 likeBar | 0 likeBar

Old school Razors Impact shell used by another manufacturer ...
Views: 4857
Comments: 1
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Category: Skates -> Razors -> Non UFS
impalas found

impalas found     2 likeBar | 0 likeBar

i have found a supply of roces impalas all new boxed sizes f...
Views: 4826
Comments: 13
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Category: Skates -> Roces -> Impala
Style points Bob

Style points Bob     2 likeBar | 1 likeBar

Found these on a used goods site for 20, had them 12 years a...
Views: 4937
Comments: 3
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Category: Skates -> K2 -> Non UFS
62 Impala

62 Impala     1 likeBar | 0 likeBar

62 Impala...
Views: 7025
Comments: 5
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Category: Skates -> Roces -> Impala
Majestic 12

Majestic 12     5 likeBar | 0 likeBar

Majestic 12...
Views: 7037
Comments: 5
Bookmarks: 1
Category: Skates -> Roces -> Other Non UFS
roces street throne custom

roces street throne custom     2 likeBar | 0 likeBar

Me finally getting some inspiration on my roces street skate...
Views: 5141
Comments: 2
Bookmarks: 0
Category: Skates -> Roces -> Other Non UFS
USD Dustin Latimer

USD Dustin Latimer     2 likeBar | 1 likeBar

Straight from 1997, the original Classic Thrones. Dustin Lat...
Views: 7198
Comments: 2
Bookmarks: 0
Category: Skates -> USD -> Non UFS Throne

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Checkout your favourite old school non-UFS skates. Starting with the earlist Rollerblade skates from the late 80's to the Non-UFS Arlo Eisenberg Throne. These skates are part of skate history. Enjoy!

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