All NON-UFS Skates - Page 17

Displaying 129-136 of 280 result(s).
USD Champion Baumstimler Classic Throne

USD Champion Baumstimler Classic Throne     4 likeBar | 2 likeBar

For sale!They are brand new and even still have the plastic ...
Views: 5687
Comments: 13
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Category: Skates -> USD -> Non UFS Throne
ST One

ST One     1 likeBar | 0 likeBar

Salomon ST Ones. These sat in a friends garage till he FINAL...
Views: 3193
Comments: 3
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Category: Skates -> Salomon -> Non UFS
Rollerblade El Oro

Rollerblade El Oro     1 likeBar | 0 likeBar

I bought these new and still have the original box, paperwor...
Views: 6897
Comments: 3
Bookmarks: 1
Category: Skates -> Rollerblade -> Non UFS
Team throne 99

Team throne 99

Dark grey 99 Team Throne. White Kizer McCloud frames (not sh...
Views: 2981
Comments: 0
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Category: Skates -> USD -> Non UFS Throne


Fr Charity wheels ebayFr Ortega PinkiesSenate wrenchesSenate...
Views: 3204
Comments: 1
Bookmarks: 0
Category: Skates -> Rollerblade -> Non UFS
Lightning TRS

Lightning TRS     1 likeBar | 0 likeBar

Joyride 67#39seisler rockerssenate hardwarecds blue angelssa...
Views: 5120
Comments: 5
Bookmarks: 0
Category: Skates -> Rollerblade -> Non UFS
Remedyz OUT 2000 FOR SALE

Remedyz OUT 2000 FOR SALE     2 likeBar | 2 likeBar

Hi!I am selling my OUT Remedyz skates in excellent condition...
Views: 5802
Comments: 4
Bookmarks: 0
Category: Skates -> Remz -> Non UFS
Euro Flat

Euro Flat

- ...
Views: 3721
Comments: 2
Bookmarks: 0
Category: Skates -> Razors -> Non UFS

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NON UFS Skates

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Checkout your favourite old school non-UFS skates. Starting with the earlist Rollerblade skates from the late 80's to the Non-UFS Arlo Eisenberg Throne. These skates are part of skate history. Enjoy!

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