All NON-UFS Skates - Page 18

Displaying 137-144 of 280 result(s).
Thisissoul Fatty

Thisissoul Fatty     1 likeBar | 1 likeBar

We cut off the frame and its original soulplate to fit on th...
Views: 4232
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Category: Skates -> K2 -> Non UFS
Thisissoul Custom Rollerblade C15

Thisissoul Custom Rollerblade C15     2 likeBar | 1 likeBar

We did this one for a customer last week.Putting the plates ...
Views: 6954
Comments: 6
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Category: Skates -> Rollerblade -> Non UFS
roces chapter

roces chapter     0 likeBar | 2 likeBar

old non ufs roces boot modded with some classic throne plate...
Views: 6012
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Category: Skates -> Roces -> Chapter
Thisissoul Bauer Humility

Thisissoul Bauer Humility     5 likeBar | 2 likeBar

Oldschool non UFS Bauer Humility. Converted with a brown gre...
Views: 10110
Comments: 13
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Category: Skates -> Bauer -> Other
Impact 200

Impact 200

Razor Impact 200 with soulplate #34extracted#34 from a Roces...
Views: 5495
Comments: 5
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Category: Skates -> Razors -> Non UFS
Roces Big Cat

Roces Big Cat     2 likeBar | 2 likeBar

I found these and bought em right away cause they were my si...
Views: 5455
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Category: Skates -> Roces -> Other Non UFS
Thisissoul Custom 1988 Rollerblade

Thisissoul Custom 1988 Rollerblade     5 likeBar | 1 likeBar

Very special oldschool Rollerblade skate. This is the origin...
Views: 13078
Comments: 12
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Category: Skates -> Rollerblade -> Non UFS
Hermes  Squash with GC Frames

Hermes Squash with GC Frames     1 likeBar | 0 likeBar

Old school rollerblade Hermes / squash skates.Removed old fr...
Views: 5011
Comments: 3
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Category: Skates -> Rollerblade -> Non UFS

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Checkout your favourite old school non-UFS skates. Starting with the earlist Rollerblade skates from the late 80's to the Non-UFS Arlo Eisenberg Throne. These skates are part of skate history. Enjoy!

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