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Member Since: 08 Mar 2009Last Seen: 11 May 2015
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109 Comments By rollman
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29 Nov 2009 comment on Salomon Dream Custom
Beautifull. How well does the souls slide on unwaxed ledges?
Beautifull. How well does the souls slide on unwaxed ledges?
29 Nov 2009 comment on Brandon Campbell
Absolutely beautiful. Are they UK11? I want them so bad, I am looking for them for more then an year now. Did you shaved the bottom flat? Also, how does Vinny Minton cuffs feel compared to the originals?
Absolutely beautiful. Are they UK11? I want them so bad, I am looking for them for more then an year now. Did you shaved the bottom flat? Also, how does Vinny Minton cuffs feel compared to the originals?
Did you had to mod the cuff or boot to put the cuff on?