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Member Since: 08 Mar 2009Last Seen: 11 May 2015
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109 Comments By rollman
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10 Oct 2009 comment on oli short
Good boots. However the wheel coulour doesn't match the rest and the h-block space looks too small to ride flat. Let us know how it rides.
Good boots. However the wheel coulour doesn't match the rest and the h-block space looks too small to ride flat. Let us know how it rides.
09 Oct 2009 comment on Carbons with a Valo soul kit
Hum, this is gonna put a lot of useless weight below your feets dude. It's gonna feel funky because the boot itself is light but you are putting a big piece of more then 350g under your feets. I know that Valo backslide plate are good but you should put a USD UFS 2-piece soul instead, my friend has some on his Salomon and they are very light.
Hum, this is gonna put a lot of useless weight below your feets dude. It's gonna feel funky because the boot itself is light but you are putting a big piece of more then 350g under your feets. I know that Valo backslide plate are good but you should put a USD UFS 2-piece soul instead, my friend has some on his Salomon and they are very light.
05 Oct 2009 comment on 2010 Estilo L.E.
Hey! How did you got them? Also, does the Concretes come stock or you putted them? Hyper Concrete are wheels designed for freeskate/freeride, a mix between freerun and aggressive skating. And where did you get them Cozmos? Please put closer pics of the Cozmos!
Hey! How did you got them? Also, does the Concretes come stock or you putted them? Hyper Concrete are wheels designed for freeskate/freeride, a mix between freerun and aggressive skating. And where did you get them Cozmos? Please put closer pics of the Cozmos!
27 Sep 2009 comment on USD Demetrious Classic Thrones
I was thinking of a yellow skate and here it came.
I was thinking of a yellow skate and here it came.
Look way better then the stock skates.