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Member Since: 08 Mar 2009Last Seen: 11 May 2015
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18 Aug 2009 comment on Thisissoul Custom 1988 Rollerblade
Jet Set Radio like. :) How did you made the big wheels wheels fit?
Jet Set Radio like. :) How did you made the big wheels wheels fit?
04 Aug 2009 comment on TV 2.
Did you had problems with the liner's width? I couldn't fit my Sifika SL 415 size 12 (they fit like 11) in my size 12 Valo shell (that also fit like 11). Because the skate wasn't wide enough, so the liner got squashed on the lateral sides of the ankle area (near the cuff bolts) so the insole raises up.
Did you had problems with the liner's width? I couldn't fit my Sifika SL 415 size 12 (they fit like 11) in my size 12 Valo shell (that also fit like 11). Because the skate wasn't wide enough, so the liner got squashed on the lateral sides of the ankle area (near the cuff bolts) so the insole raises up.
Awesome! I wanted to do a similar setup. How did you color the cuff? Please take another pic after a few weeks of skating to see how the paint holds.