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Member Since: 08 Mar 2009Last Seen: 11 May 2015
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109 Comments By rollman
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20 Nov 2009 comment on Aragon 2
The spikes are awful, remove them and you will have a better-looking setup.
The spikes are awful, remove them and you will have a better-looking setup.
10 Nov 2009 comment on Dominic Sagona 2003 LE UFS Throne
Are there sidewalls or the frames come stock like that?
Are there sidewalls or the frames come stock like that?
28 Oct 2009 comment on USD Demetrious Classic Thrones
Banana man, banana man Does whatever banana can
Banana man, banana man Does whatever banana can
[quote=halcyon]Rollman must be new to the game. Fiziks never came with sidewalls my man.[/quote] Yep I know that, it's just that I never saw a good picture of Fiziks before, and on the pics of the setup the walls look very thick like if there was additionnal plates over the frame walls. ;) How did you do the homemade hitchhikers?