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Member Since: 19 Mar 2009Last Seen: 19 Mar 2009
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50 Comments By xsjadokizer
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xsjadokizers latest comments
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30 Jun 2010 comment on STI Pro RB plates Sxjado special custom.
I must say that, what do you do with this brand new (rare) skates is THE MOST STUPID THING I EVER SEEN ON ALL INTERNET..... :( :( :(
I must say that, what do you do with this brand new (rare) skates is THE MOST STUPID THING I EVER SEEN ON ALL INTERNET..... :( :( :(
24 Jun 2010 comment on Xsjado
Thanks :), xsjado fit for this type of skating but on that high frames buckles should be fasten up harder. Yes frame is carbon composite, boot is large (28cm wraps)
Thanks :), xsjado fit for this type of skating but on that high frames buckles should be fasten up harder. Yes frame is carbon composite, boot is large (28cm wraps)
24 Jun 2010 comment on Xsjado
napisz po polsku bo nie rozumię ostatniego słowa kolego, jest tu ktoś żeby mi przetłumaczył? :D
napisz po polsku bo nie rozumię ostatniego słowa kolego, jest tu ktoś żeby mi przetłumaczył? :D
Featherlite not featherlight boy...