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Member Since: 19 Mar 2009Last Seen: 19 Mar 2009
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50 Comments By xsjadokizer
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xsjadokizers latest comments
16-20 out of 50 comments
05 Feb 2010 comment on Sti pro usd soulplates freestyleFlat
why you replace the best ever salomon buckles on the usd? and the plates...maybe it is popular, to do this change on salo's but original salomonis are better
why you replace the best ever salomon buckles on the usd? and the plates...maybe it is popular, to do this change on salo's but original salomonis are better
31 Jan 2010 comment on Salomon Brandon Campbell 2
red block looks nice, maybe some fat red laces?(kizer fat boy or remzy...?)
red block looks nice, maybe some fat red laces?(kizer fat boy or remzy...?)
nice cuff :)