xsjadokizer's Profile
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Member Since: 19 Mar 2009Last Seen: 19 Mar 2009
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50 Comments By xsjadokizer
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xsjadokizers latest comments
41-45 out of 50 comments
12 May 2009 comment on st9
wery nice, i buy for my st team (black) grey usd duals and i soon customise them and post a photo
wery nice, i buy for my st team (black) grey usd duals and i soon customise them and post a photo
30 Apr 2009 comment on rzr aragon
hej, jaki masz rozmiar buta i ramy? ogólnie zajebiście wygladają te kizery elementy w razorach :), i jak ze zwrotnością?
hej, jaki masz rozmiar buta i ramy? ogólnie zajebiście wygladają te kizery elementy w razorach :), i jak ze zwrotnością?
25 Mar 2009 comment on Xsjado Chris Farmer 3909
black=beautifull :P, this skates look like santa's skates, maybe because they look so sterile?,and i have to agre, this setup isn't boring for sure :)
black=beautifull :P, this skates look like santa's skates, maybe because they look so sterile?,and i have to agre, this setup isn't boring for sure :)
[font='MS Shell Dlg 2'; COLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 9pt]They fit without any mods, and front wheels almost tuching boot, and front wheel almost tuching frame constuction, this size wheels is max size. Besides the k2 boot has holes for bigger wheels on back and front, like these, [font='MS Shell Dlg 2'; COLOR: #000000; FONT-SIZE: 9pt]and they are a little used...[/font] [/font]