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Member Since: 02 Oct 2012Last Seen: 13 Jun 2022
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84 Comments By Dabby
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15 Sep 2013 comment on Razors Cult 9
sick man..got the smae skates sitting in the box in my closet.....also a pair of cult 4s (pre nimh/ssm style)...
sick man..got the smae skates sitting in the box in my closet.....also a pair of cult 4s (pre nimh/ssm style)...
04 Sep 2013 comment on Custom Morales
^^i was in the same exact boat...then landed a pair almost brand new in a 10...SCORE....
^^i was in the same exact boat...then landed a pair almost brand new in a 10...SCORE....
30 Aug 2013 comment on Custom Morales
nice...i heat molded and shaved mine...sticking with the trs souls since i have both replacement midsouls and souls..
nice...i heat molded and shaved mine...sticking with the trs souls since i have both replacement midsouls and souls..
29 Aug 2013 comment on Custom Morales
Martin..anyway i could get a lil more detail on the "flatened" bottom?
Martin..anyway i could get a lil more detail on the "flatened" bottom?