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Member Since: 02 Oct 2012Last Seen: 13 Jun 2022
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84 Comments By Dabby
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21-25 out of 84 comments
07 Aug 2013 comment on custom 2012 varsity and il capo
^^just sell youre shitty varsities and buy some real K2s (like the ones here in the pic)....youre skates are out dated beyond themselves...the classic k2 styling was way before its time..
^^just sell youre shitty varsities and buy some real K2s (like the ones here in the pic)....youre skates are out dated beyond themselves...the classic k2 styling was way before its time..
31 Jul 2013 comment on Brain Aragon 1s Genesis
to me and this is just my personal oppinion but gens feel like trash to me..either brand new or broken in i hate the way they feel... im on some size 9 ssm with 10 spec ops now(my fail safe skate) but am stil after that one setup that fits best of all
to me and this is just my personal oppinion but gens feel like trash to me..either brand new or broken in i hate the way they feel... im on some size 9 ssm with 10 spec ops now(my fail safe skate) but am stil after that one setup that fits best of all
30 Jul 2013 comment on Brain Aragon 1s Genesis
my old skates....thomas's old skates....i hope you destroy them man..have fun enjoy them ....took 4 people to get them to someone who could use them...i still have the original frame and wheels from these (5 feet away from me)
my old skates....thomas's old skates....i hope you destroy them man..have fun enjoy them ....took 4 people to get them to someone who could use them...i still have the original frame and wheels from these (5 feet away from me)
u have a set but there on a complete set of skates...but ive been debating going to the razors buckles on my frankies so il be up to sell my brand new trs buckles..are you in us?