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Member Since: 02 Oct 2012Last Seen: 13 Jun 2022
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84 Comments By Dabby
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31-35 out of 84 comments
06 Jun 2013 comment on Valo mod
"3 days of modding, $100 of material, most buttery setup I've ever owned." and one of the most ugly fucking setups going around....fix youre toe gap..o wait
"3 days of modding, $100 of material, most buttery setup I've ever owned." and one of the most ugly fucking setups going around....fix youre toe gap..o wait
14 May 2013 comment on Power AntiRock
wowpunk....yes its is totally doable..you will need to shave the souls(and weaken integrity ) but its no hard at all
wowpunk....yes its is totally doable..you will need to shave the souls(and weaken integrity ) but its no hard at all
13 May 2013 comment on USD Carbon 2 Sean Kelso Limited
not really.....easier to move TES....do you bust youre ass hard because they slide all around at first YES..should you buy them "dagger" YES (or buy mine) and try them....yu be the judge
not really.....easier to move TES....do you bust youre ass hard because they slide all around at first YES..should you buy them "dagger" YES (or buy mine) and try them....yu be the judge
they are long long gone