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Member Since: 29 Jul 2007Last Seen: 05 Jan 2012
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120 Comments By Jamo
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Jamos latest comments
26-30 out of 120 comments
26 Mar 2008 comment on colin kelso 2
they fine good mount of flex, av got the ch1s a lot better but a bit to stiff i would say
they fine good mount of flex, av got the ch1s a lot better but a bit to stiff i would say
24 Mar 2008 comment on usd allstar
[b]he tried to paint them but they went wrong i would say get some rit dye n dye them a nice couler [/b]
[b]he tried to paint them but they went wrong i would say get some rit dye n dye them a nice couler [/b]
delnotpre fu**king look at u, you tard "or mate i rag every one" init what skates you got its what ya can do that counts so shut n stop moning u scrog head