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Member Since: 29 Jul 2007Last Seen: 05 Jan 2012
28 Uploads Total
120 Comments By Jamo
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Jamos latest comments
31-35 out of 120 comments
06 Mar 2008 comment on Pinowski VII
why would you wnat middle wheels in, can make them heavy, better for rails, ???
why would you wnat middle wheels in, can make them heavy, better for rails, ???
01 Mar 2008 comment on Deshi Zamora Pro sample skates
you dude how did you get these ther was onli like 20 piars out and onli in 7 7 ?????
you dude how did you get these ther was onli like 20 piars out and onli in 7 7 ?????
29 Feb 2008 comment on Custom 0703
nice set up dude, can you tell me how the boot is please, like flex, comfey, light, n that, what the frames like with them WB cheers dude
nice set up dude, can you tell me how the boot is please, like flex, comfey, light, n that, what the frames like with them WB cheers dude
looking ok, am liking the red n white :D but these look hevay