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Member Since: 11 Nov 2007Last Seen: 11 Nov 2007
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41 Comments By buyingrazors
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21-25 out of 41 comments
18 Jan 2008 comment on Brian Aragon Unique Prototype skate
pleasse tell me you dont skate them lol. if they were mine, id just frame them lol :P after getting aragon to sign them obvcourse :P there the most nicest skates EVER.
pleasse tell me you dont skate them lol. if they were mine, id just frame them lol :P after getting aragon to sign them obvcourse :P there the most nicest skates EVER.
01 Jan 2008 comment on DRE POWELL
i LOVE everything but the kizer tongue man, these skates loving rule.
i LOVE everything but the kizer tongue man, these skates loving rule.
22 Dec 2007 comment on g4.1
sweet setup, my g4.1s have gone a vanilla colour in the sun :/ quite a bit aswell, so does any1 know how i can get it off? i like my skates white :) lol thanks.
sweet setup, my g4.1s have gone a vanilla colour in the sun :/ quite a bit aswell, so does any1 know how i can get it off? i like my skates white :) lol thanks.
[quote=rollingfl]no thats not kool ive done that to two pairs of my remz before and i regretted it both times and they dont look good when you tighten the buckles up they look like frankenstein boots bad move [/quote] No... not a bad move. they look alot better than befor, and they skate better. and they dont look like frankenstein boots, idiot. they look alot better than they did. I didn't do it so they would look better, i did it so they would skate better, so shut up. friend.