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Member Since: 11 Nov 2007Last Seen: 11 Nov 2007
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41 Comments By buyingrazors
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buyingrazorss latest comments
31-35 out of 41 comments
02 Dec 2007 comment on NIMH Shima V.1
its so funny how you guys just judge the skate on looks. its so obvs that shima hasnt concerntrated on looks. you skate this and i bet you 3 grand each that this skate is as good or even better than razors. shima is probably one of the most experienced roller bladers and he knows his stuff. this isnt gonna be shit.
its so funny how you guys just judge the skate on looks. its so obvs that shima hasnt concerntrated on looks. you skate this and i bet you 3 grand each that this skate is as good or even better than razors. shima is probably one of the most experienced roller bladers and he knows his stuff. this isnt gonna be shit.
01 Dec 2007 comment on G6
there not dyed, if you dye them then the razors signs and the g6 writing stays on, the dye just drips over it, done it with all my razors, youve either painted them or sprayed them... still... nice
there not dyed, if you dye them then the razors signs and the g6 writing stays on, the dye just drips over it, done it with all my razors, youve either painted them or sprayed them... still... nice
28 Nov 2007 comment on infinit shima 7
i think i know you... do you skate leicster board room? sick skates
i think i know you... do you skate leicster board room? sick skates
hi, im thinking of taking the skin off my dre's. could you post some more photo's of these, i wanna see what there like without em. thanks