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buyingrazors's Profile

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Country: DE SelectCountry
State: Other State
City: Lat kheyl


Member Since: 11 Nov 2007
Last Seen: 11 Nov 2007
6 Uploads Total
41 Comments By buyingrazors

Latest Uploads

1-6 out of 6 uploads
Haffey 05 LE
Murda 1 with red Cuff
0702 Skinned V-Cut
0702 skinned
remz os
custom 0702


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buyingrazorss latest comments

36-40 out of 41 comments
Ch1 Custom
26 Nov 2007 comment on Ch1 Custom

x-large is a prick and dosnt have a clue about skating, these arent mooks, there 10 times better than mooks, ive skated them. so stfu and go skate em, and then come back and say there mooks. so stop dissing every1ns skates and fuck off. nice setup, spesh the frames, they slide so fast. holla ^^
Remz 0702
22 Nov 2007 comment on Remz 0702

hmmm not pariculy my colour but hey :P why use the 3 piece soul? only reason i can think of is that its shit ugly on the inside, but still...
custom 0702
19 Nov 2007 comment on custom 0702

yeah that will work. which remz shell? post some pics. and we3red ? use proper english atleast. shorthand sucks.
custom 0702
19 Nov 2007 comment on custom 0702

lol i was kinda hoping you'd tell me what you think but hey. size 9 boot shell, size 10 liner. and fatboat ? lol. what ever that means. holla back ^^
11 Nov 2007 comment on stockwell

[font=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;]hi, realllly nice skates, would you wanna sell these? or does any1 reading this wanna sell some razors, size 9 or 10? add me[/font]

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