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Member Since: 09 Feb 2008Last Seen: 09 Feb 2008
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22 Comments By austin sullivan
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01 Jun 2009 comment on usd ufs rachard johnson throne
Those aren't Zamora's. Zamora's were white ufs shells with black cuffs and black/grey 3 pieces. Those would be the Petty's (grey ufs thrones). Sick setup though put some anti rockers in and they will be dope.
Those aren't Zamora's. Zamora's were white ufs shells with black cuffs and black/grey 3 pieces. Those would be the Petty's (grey ufs thrones). Sick setup though put some anti rockers in and they will be dope.
21 Feb 2009 comment on USD Rachard Johnson UFS Thrones
one of the best setups ive seen on here, nice job those thrones are ill
one of the best setups ive seen on here, nice job those thrones are ill
craps are undoubtedly the best bearings in my mind, haven't messed up a set yet in the years ive used them. Actually have had these 2 sets that i use in my skates for over 2 years i think, which was the last time i had bought bearings. 50/50's aren't bad at all loving them actually nice and short frame which i like plus shallow groove with a big split can put nearly 4 fingers between the middle wheels.