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City: Lat kheyl


Member Since: 09 Feb 2008
Last Seen: 09 Feb 2008
2 Uploads Total
22 Comments By austin sullivan

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Dominic Sagona 2003 LE UFS Throne
Black  White Carbon


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austin sullivans latest comments

6-10 out of 22 comments
14 Nov 2009 comment on Natural

I have been skating nearly as long as you (97) and remember skating flat back then as well. I had been skating flat on and off since anti rocker came about. If you think fluids are good for flat you should try 50/50 core balance frames, they are hands down best frames for flat. What a good flat setup is a moderate size h-block, shallow groove and alot of cover of the wheels. All of those don't fit in with kizer fluids yet fit the description of 50/50's to a "t". The only other frames i have skated that were as good as 50/50's would be fiziks with hitchhikers, which again fits that description (has the shallowest groove when new i can think of).
13 Nov 2009 comment on Natural

The setup is pretty sweet aside from the frame/wheel setup. Kizer fluids are probably the worst frames ever for flat and the wheels aren't too good either. Like i said the skate is pretty sweet though.
Dominic Sagona 2003 LE UFS Throne
10 Nov 2009 comment on Dominic Sagona 2003 LE UFS Throne

I don't have the Al Hooi plates, the 3 pieces were originally regular white plastic ones with black backslides. As i am sure everyone knows the chrome was paint on the Sagonas so i made my own black UHMW so when all of it scrapes off it would be all black how the stock plates on them were except would be a better material (UHMW). Plus my white souls that came with the 3 pieces were used to shit (they were Louie Zamora's old plates) so i needed to make some plates anyways. Also what are you talking about rollman? Sidewalls? The frames are how they were made except for home made hitchhikers.
Dominic Sagona 2003 LE UFS Throne
09 Nov 2009 comment on Dominic Sagona 2003 LE UFS Throne

Best looking/skating thrones made.
Black  White Carbon
02 Sep 2009 comment on Black White Carbon

Nah, i never stick but thats cause i learned all my tricks proper. 50/50 core balance frames are hands down best frames on the market right now for flat. I'd reccomend trying it, if you get some 53 or 54mm eulogys crap bearings (makes such a difference between crap's and normal bearings) and 50/50 core balance frames you will love it garunteed.

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