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Member Since: 09 Feb 2008Last Seen: 09 Feb 2008
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22 Comments By austin sullivan
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23 Jul 2008 comment on Gold edition USD Thrones
your wrong iroll the sagonas are going to be v cut i asked sagona himself.
your wrong iroll the sagonas are going to be v cut i asked sagona himself.
19 Jul 2008 comment on Gold edition USD Thrones
those arent the sifika sagona liners. the sifika sagonas are v cut and those were just some jug protos
those arent the sifika sagona liners. the sifika sagonas are v cut and those were just some jug protos
18 Jul 2008 comment on Gold edition USD Thrones
those liners arent even coming out i dont believe and the frame will be different and they are the new sagonas but wont look like that. they arent called gold edition thrones.
those liners arent even coming out i dont believe and the frame will be different and they are the new sagonas but wont look like that. they arent called gold edition thrones.
damn, looks so much more legit in this photo, but when i talked to dom he was still going to have a few changes i believe unless he had changed his mind