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Member Since: 30 Apr 2008Last Seen: 16 Sep 2011
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61 Comments By celticpryde
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celticprydes latest comments
16-20 out of 61 comments
15 Jul 2009 comment on carbon skate
very good job... but that blue is turning into quite the fad dnt u think?
very good job... but that blue is turning into quite the fad dnt u think?
16 May 2009 comment on 09-01
it looks like across between remz and valo... and wuts wit the cuff screw hole? Im not over fond of this one. But they r still Remz, and yes the laces in the back is way better.
it looks like across between remz and valo... and wuts wit the cuff screw hole? Im not over fond of this one. But they r still Remz, and yes the laces in the back is way better.
That is amazing. and this is why I am so proud to be a part of the skating industry.