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Member Since: 30 Apr 2008Last Seen: 16 Sep 2011
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61 Comments By celticpryde
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celticprydes latest comments
46-50 out of 61 comments
11 Dec 2008 comment on deshi spizers
Im kinda lookin to get a set of the spizer souls u got there do u know anywhere that still sells them?
Im kinda lookin to get a set of the spizer souls u got there do u know anywhere that still sells them?
11 Dec 2008 comment on murda 3
That has got to be the RADest thing Ive seen done to a pair of skates. what did u use and does it come off when skatin?
That has got to be the RADest thing Ive seen done to a pair of skates. what did u use and does it come off when skatin?
13 Nov 2008 comment on Thisissoul custom Rollerblade Chocolate
looks great...wuda liked to have dun sumthin like that to my old Dirks(first skate)
looks great...wuda liked to have dun sumthin like that to my old Dirks(first skate)
the seperate frames lying there they are Fiziks are they not? NICE collection BTW