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Member Since: 30 Apr 2008Last Seen: 16 Sep 2011
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61 Comments By celticpryde
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celticprydes latest comments
36-40 out of 61 comments
18 Feb 2009 comment on Gen2 TRS Detail
if ur vcutin the cuff becarful not to get too close to the buckle or strap...itll break.
if ur vcutin the cuff becarful not to get too close to the buckle or strap...itll break.
18 Feb 2009 comment on Gen2 TRS Detail
I am also gona be gettin some new souls too.. soon hopefally... will post
I am also gona be gettin some new souls too.. soon hopefally... will post
12 Feb 2009 comment on RBs CI5 and K2 fatty pro
no they r fattys...K2 stopped doin the 3 ingraved K2's on the soul... they rnt the original Fattys tho cuz the frame is angled at the ends
no they r fattys...K2 stopped doin the 3 ingraved K2's on the soul... they rnt the original Fattys tho cuz the frame is angled at the ends
WOW u can RAG on other ppl sskates...congrats ur a douchebag.