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Member Since: 08 Mar 2009Last Seen: 11 May 2015
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109 Comments By rollman
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30 May 2009 comment on Roces Majestic XII
Oops what I mean is not the deepness of the groove but the lenght, between wheel 2 and wheel 3.
Oops what I mean is not the deepness of the groove but the lenght, between wheel 2 and wheel 3.
28 May 2009 comment on Roces Majestic XII
Yep, a question tho. There seems to be few space in the h-block for grinding, is it because of the frame size, is that grind groove the same for all sizes?
Yep, a question tho. There seems to be few space in the h-block for grinding, is it because of the frame size, is that grind groove the same for all sizes?
Did you cut the soul plates to fit the 67mm wheels or they fit without any modifications?