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Member Since: 08 Mar 2009Last Seen: 11 May 2015
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109 Comments By rollman
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11 May 2009 comment on Deshi Carbon Custom
Put some middle wheels instead of anti-rockers! You will have a super fast, precise and manneouvrable skate.
Put some middle wheels instead of anti-rockers! You will have a super fast, precise and manneouvrable skate.
29 Apr 2009 comment on Salomon St Ten
Look nice but keep the Salomon buckles! They are much more solid than the USD plastic ones.
Look nice but keep the Salomon buckles! They are much more solid than the USD plastic ones.
19 Apr 2009 comment on custom skin
What materials did you use? How did you made that skin, is it 100% custom or you put the blue stuff over a Valo skin?
What materials did you use? How did you made that skin, is it 100% custom or you put the blue stuff over a Valo skin?
01 Apr 2009 comment on Custom TV2
Just to ask you, why did you put 52mm inner wheels? It isn't flat setup but you need to put bearings in the wheels unlike some anti-rockers.
Just to ask you, why did you put 52mm inner wheels? It isn't flat setup but you need to put bearings in the wheels unlike some anti-rockers.
Look good with the soul plates, just a question tho. Why the Vicious liner? Which model? Is it more confortable than the stock liner (which is pretty well done by the way)?