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Member Since: 02 Jun 2007Last Seen: 16 Jun 2011
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40 Comments By RS Dave
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28 Mar 2009 comment on Nike Zoom Air Flight 96
Hey Armadillo! How's it going? Amazing how you quad skaters from keep sneaking in here. RS Dave
Hey Armadillo! How's it going? Amazing how you quad skaters from keep sneaking in here. RS Dave
12 Feb 2009 comment on RBs CI5 and K2 fatty pro
My 125 CC's have the engraved K2's on the side. They also say K2 125CC on the tongue.
My 125 CC's have the engraved K2's on the side. They also say K2 125CC on the tongue.
Excellent job. Looks like it came straight from the factory that way.