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Member Since: 02 Jun 2007Last Seen: 16 Jun 2011
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40 Comments By RS Dave
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RS Daves latest comments
36-40 out of 40 comments
24 Oct 2007 comment on Thats what Im talkin bout
Might be a little toasty on the feet on a hot summer day. :eek: :confused: Otherwise, they look good.
Might be a little toasty on the feet on a hot summer day. :eek: :confused: Otherwise, they look good.
10 Aug 2007 comment on Sabotage Skates
Thanks. I'm a 48 year old grandfather so I guess I qualify as old school. :nod:
Thanks. I'm a 48 year old grandfather so I guess I qualify as old school. :nod:
09 Aug 2007 comment on Sabotage Skates
These are mine. [img][/img]
These are mine. [img][/img]
[quote=tino]Thank you for the comments. I wasn't aware of the fact that there are militant rollerblading trolls nowadays. I guess you live and learn.[/quote] And he doesn't even have the balls to login and show his name. :no: