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Member Since: 02 Jun 2007Last Seen: 16 Jun 2011
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40 Comments By RS Dave
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06 Jun 2008 comment on Thisissoul custom Rollerblade Chocolate
[quote=ditissoul] ..... The easiest way to take the frame off is drilling for 3 seconds/rivit and than give them a big jam with a tool i think is called a "hum" [img][/img] [/quote] In North America it's called an "awl".
[quote=ditissoul] ..... The easiest way to take the frame off is drilling for 3 seconds/rivit and than give them a big jam with a tool i think is called a "hum" [img][/img] [/quote] In North America it's called an "awl".
05 Jun 2008 comment on Thisissoul custom Rollerblade Chocolate
Where do you buy your Roces soleplates from? I can find no dealers selling them and Roces never responds to emails.
Where do you buy your Roces soleplates from? I can find no dealers selling them and Roces never responds to emails.
15 May 2008 comment on Roces 5th Element
Shoot. Too bad. One size too small. I could have used the frames for spares.
Shoot. Too bad. One size too small. I could have used the frames for spares.
Quite an overabundance of testosterone in this particular thread I see. :no: