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Member Since: 02 Jun 2007Last Seen: 16 Jun 2011
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40 Comments By RS Dave
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29 Jun 2008 comment on FSK 03 tracker Quads
Where were you able to find those Graal soleplates? I've been looking to find some.
Where were you able to find those Graal soleplates? I've been looking to find some.
28 Jun 2008 comment on INDEPENDENT QUADS
That"s the best looking grind block I've seen on a pair of vert quads. Most are pretty heavy and ugly looking.
That"s the best looking grind block I've seen on a pair of vert quads. Most are pretty heavy and ugly looking.
08 Jun 2008 comment on Nils Extrem Biatches
What's next? You guys going to take turns kicking each other in the nuts.
What's next? You guys going to take turns kicking each other in the nuts.
Most of the guys here will laugh at these but they are highly sought after in England.