Majin-Kiisu's Profile
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Member Since: 28 Jul 2007Last Seen: 28 Mar 2012
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114 Comments By Majin-Kiisu
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Majin-Kiisus latest comments
6-10 out of 114 comments
29 May 2008 comment on Broskow
It takes a person with a good mind to make broskows look good. You sir, are not one of them.
It takes a person with a good mind to make broskows look good. You sir, are not one of them.
23 May 2008 comment on remz 07 three
These are sick, if I got remz i'd get these, or the haffey 1 or 2, or the 0601
These are sick, if I got remz i'd get these, or the haffey 1 or 2, or the 0601
23 May 2008 comment on TRS Detail
[quote=living_on_skates]these look so fcking nice.. how do they skate? [/quote] They skate really nice, the added shock absorber makes them feel good, they're super-flexible, lock on perfectly and slide great. The only bad point is that the inside of the liner is a bit battered, but they feel fine.
[quote=living_on_skates]these look so fcking nice.. how do they skate? [/quote] They skate really nice, the added shock absorber makes them feel good, they're super-flexible, lock on perfectly and slide great. The only bad point is that the inside of the liner is a bit battered, but they feel fine.
what the f-ck is that