Majin-Kiisu's Profile
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Member Since: 28 Jul 2007Last Seen: 28 Mar 2012
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114 Comments By Majin-Kiisu
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Majin-Kiisus latest comments
11-15 out of 114 comments
10 Apr 2008 comment on Razor G7 Genesys 7 PURPLE
They look really good. [quote=Seb]these look sick. the purple dye has been done amazingly:) [/quote] Lolz just wait til they get skated a bit
They look really good. [quote=Seb]these look sick. the purple dye has been done amazingly:) [/quote] Lolz just wait til they get skated a bit
08 Apr 2008 comment on razors G3
[quote=juny51]Ok that's ur opinion. I aint pro but I work and get skates wenever I want so I do as I plz[/quote] [highlight=#cccccc][/highlight] [highlight=#cccccc]Your an idiot and your skates look worse.[/highlight]
[quote=juny51]Ok that's ur opinion. I aint pro but I work and get skates wenever I want so I do as I plz[/quote] [highlight=#cccccc][/highlight] [highlight=#cccccc]Your an idiot and your skates look worse.[/highlight]
The triangle patter is sick but the other stuff is not so good :S good set up though