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City: Lat kheyl


Member Since: 21 Apr 2008
Last Seen: 21 Apr 2008
1 Uploads Total
35 Comments By kirk

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Billy ONeill LE


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24 Apr 2008 comment on 0703

<SPAN style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cccccc">peace right back at ya man. enough with the hate........To answer your question, I dont really care but commenting on other peoples skates is kind of what this site is all about. I never really gave it too much thought to be honest. you're right man, it really doesnt really matter what anyones skates look like. Rollin is Rollin. Take care............ </SPAN><BR>
Billy ONeill LE
24 Apr 2008 comment on Billy ONeill LE

I think I commented on your skates before I wrote that last comment or maybe Im just a dirty Liar, lol....I'm Canadian man.... anyway, enough hate.... I just like my skates simple....Take care dude........
24 Apr 2008 comment on 0703

[highlight=#cccccc]Sorry Ivan...... I give you an A for effort big guy...... skates should be customized for performance people. Fine, if you want Formula 1 frames buy the color you like but theres no need to bust out the freakin markers. Such a disgrace to the sport... No wonder the skateboarders call us fruit booters. Thanks Ivan STD........ Keep laughing man, whtever keeps the tears from falling.......[/highlight]
Billy Oneil Ed.2
24 Apr 2008 comment on Billy Oneil Ed.2

so sick man... I got the same boots but I'm rockin the Mooks with em... Looks Like you have the Formula 1 so looks like we are kinda on the same page... They lock so nice on royal and farv tricks, I love em.....
Billy ONeill LE
24 Apr 2008 comment on Billy ONeill LE

Look man, if you cant handle someone saying your skates are ugly then take them down. Your being such a woman. Im done with you dude, write a million more posts, this is the last response you'll get. you know you're the one who cried because I called your skates ugly.. Go play with your markers man. FYI, I've prob been skating since you were a baby, so save the "kid" crap for spmeone who cares.......... Later Ivan STD, who laughs with a jaja??? what country are you from man??????? you have issues dude...........

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