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Member Since: 21 Apr 2008Last Seen: 21 Apr 2008
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35 Comments By kirk
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31-35 out of 35 comments
21 Apr 2008 comment on downtown 2
I like those, How much???? Jokes.... Dude, dont mod for the sake of moding............... those skates are straight stupid......
I like those, How much???? Jokes.... Dude, dont mod for the sake of moding............... those skates are straight stupid......
21 Apr 2008 comment on BIlly ONeill
your color scheme is tight dude...... i have this years O'Neils, they made the cuff silver, it was cooler in white.............
your color scheme is tight dude...... i have this years O'Neils, they made the cuff silver, it was cooler in white.............
21 Apr 2008 comment on Aragon 2 Custom
Dude, Aragon would punch you in the face if he saw that you put those cuffs on his shates. Those Cuffs are terrible, I got a pair of Rems OS and sent them back the same day cuz those cuffs are a joke..........
Dude, Aragon would punch you in the face if he saw that you put those cuffs on his shates. Those Cuffs are terrible, I got a pair of Rems OS and sent them back the same day cuz those cuffs are a joke..........
21 Apr 2008 comment on Valo custom jeans skin
That pic looks fake as hell...... I must agree that they looked better stock but if you like em rock em. One problem though.... I just thinks skins are pointless in general. I was On TRS forever and now have Billy O'Neils... I will bever rock skins again............
That pic looks fake as hell...... I must agree that they looked better stock but if you like em rock em. One problem though.... I just thinks skins are pointless in general. I was On TRS forever and now have Billy O'Neils... I will bever rock skins again............
had these boots with som GC frames, loved em but they killed my feet... even after new liners they still killed me............... my frames were red too, good choice of color.........