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Member Since: 30 Apr 2008Last Seen: 16 Sep 2011
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61 Comments By celticpryde
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celticprydes latest comments
51-55 out of 61 comments
20 Oct 2008 comment on K2 250cc X Adidas Double Wide
u either have to buy ufs compatable souls or cut off frame and grind it down a lil bit to make a ufs groove...just enough to fit new frame in
u either have to buy ufs compatable souls or cut off frame and grind it down a lil bit to make a ufs groove...just enough to fit new frame in
02 Jul 2008 comment on murda customs
maybe they were made for a chick...u never know. I think they look great, my GF would love em.
maybe they were made for a chick...u never know. I think they look great, my GF would love em.
who cares??? looks good and if it rides good then GREAT!